/* eternet header */
struct ether_header
u_char dst_host[6];
u_char src_host[6];
u_short frame_type;
/* IPv4 header */
typedef struct ip_header
u_char ver_ihl; // Version (4 bits) + Internet header length (4 bits)
u_char tos; // Type of service
u_short tlen; // Total length
u_short identification; // Identification
u_short flags_fo; // Flags (3 bits) + Fragment offset (13 bits)
u_char ttl; // Time to live
u_char proto; // Protocol
u_short crc; // Header checksum
ip_address saddr; // Source address
ip_address daddr; // Destination address
u_int op_pad; // Option + Padding
/* UDP header*/
typedef struct udp_header
u_short sport; // Source port
u_short dport; // Destination port
u_short len; // Datagram length
u_short crc; // Checksum
// 20 bytes TCP Header
typedef struct tcp_header
u_short sport; // Source port
u_short dport; // Destination port
u_int seqnum; // Sequence Number
u_int acknum; // Acknowledgement number
u_char hlen; // Header length
u_char flags; // packet flags
u_short win; // Window size
u_short crc; // Header Checksum
u_short urgptr; // Urgent pointer...still don't know what this is...